Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Right now we are in the year 2016...we know now that one age = 2160 and when we look back 2000 years ago...it is safe to say that around that time we shifted from one age to another...= from the age of Aries(Moses) to the age of Pisces(Jesus) There where many many ancient civilizations on this planet before us...Micheal Tellinger (google him) is a researcher who has discovered ancient civilization artifacts( 10 million of it!) in Africa and travels the world to tell people about his research...it dates back 280 to 300 000 years!... It is insane information that will stop making you think like a robot and start snapping you out of the matrix and soon you will realize that, we the masses, are controlled by modern religion, politics and media and the education system.
Our planet is 4.5 billion years old, yet we are only educated from about 2000 years ago and they have brainwashed us by making history "boring" and if you want to know more you need to go get a degree in history or archeology...this is how they control us but we are in the age of information and we do not have to follow their controlled system. The age of Aquarius also none as the age of consciousness, which means that for the next 2000 years we will be waking up and realizing our spiritual being true potential and look has it not already started?? Everyone has woken up to the fact that we cant keep messing up the planet as we are. Since the sixties the shift started...it literary started with a bang....the assassination of JFK in 1963... A week before his assassination he delivered a speech (google JFK speech before assassination) He new about the "secret society" and as president he wanted to expose and eradicate them but we all know what happened next.. Aquarian values have surfaced since the 60's.. We started to realise that we are damaging our ozone lair, we started looking at alternative energy...look how solar, wind, hydro and many other clean energy has evolved since the 60s . The dawn of the Internet was a huge shift , then technology... With the first cell phones that was born in the 80's...Aquarius is about being social....look at websites we have= Facebook,pintrest, instagram. Japan have built a car that runs on water that can go as fast as 250km/hour and one tank can take you as far as 300km. This is all just the beginning of the age of Aquirius....strap in because this ride is going to get crazy for the next 2000 years.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The mysterious bible

So here we are , the mysterious bible... You know it has taken me years going through emotions..is it real, is it made up? The problem is...we have been getting bits of information about what happened in the bible times but there are gaps all over the bloody place and as nature has it we are extremely inquisitive, we want to know things, so we ask but now things don't add up and we come to realise, well its nonsense..it cant be true it does not make sense.. the reason why we have that is because there is a so much of information that "the Evil force" does not want to give us, they want to keep us stupid, they want to make us not find our true potential because it gives them ultimate control and power..Believe me we will get into this -on spiritual level these guys have been controlling us for centuries --control spirit and you can control the human it is occupying... So back in the bible old testament there was this dude Moses - freaking crazy awesome powers- like splitting the sea, making food fall from the sky- he was like the Justin Bieber of the old testament- everyone new who he was, not everyone liked him.
Now if you look at the great year..he lived in the age of Aries(the Ram) -now because you have done your homework, the Age of Aries ended round 1 A.D (A.D =the year of the lord aka Jesus) B.C(before Christ) A.C( After Christ)-now we got that our of the way.... After Aries came the age of Pisces (Jesus's age, also known as the age of deception) Understand that "the great year" is a cycle and when one age ends and another starts, that it happens in cycles. A momentum shift ...it does not just jump suddenly from one age to another ..gradually the shift happens.. The age of Aquarius already started in the 60's ...I will get into this in a future blog.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Great year

So 6 hours ago I just got into the Ancients- everyone knows the basic info about them like they built the pyramids and they had tombs and the Mayan's predicted the end of the world- what a bunch of freaking idiots- they got it wrong! hahaha... That my friends is the wrong answer.. they got it freaking spot on. You have to understand that we do things totally different to them . It's the way we have been pushed for centuries how to live, once again through a dark evil force that I will eventually get into. These guys are starting to loose control and this is the reason why.... So for the next exercise copy and paste this sentence in google "the great year" and click on images- read all about it because I dont want to waste blog time on explaining things that's already been explained a billion times...I know I can just leave a link to click on but jeez guys we are here to be inquisitive..ask your own questions--you know how it go's..once you start googling something it snowballs and you find more answers this way--so go snowballing!
So back to Mayan's predicting the end of the world(as we are lead to believe by this evil force) They predicted the end of the AGE of Pisces! - all they did is look at the spiritual calendar in the sky and it says the year of Pisces will end and the year of Aquarius will start. (every year on the great year calender = 2160 human years). A great year is 25 920 years - now here is where the bible comes in....look you do not have to be a Christian to believe this stuff - but I was brought up as a Christian- My spirituality has grown since then but the cool thing is, I read the bible quite a few times throughout my life and I know things about it. This information I know from the bible clearly has helped me with this quest.

The Ancients

Seeeeo if you still reading my blogs after the last one then I am happy because I must sound like a freaking nutcase but this is the problem- there is a world of evil that 95% of this planet does not know about and they chose to have it this way for us not to grow, not to truly find ourselves , these evil men have been getting away with this manipulation for centuries but we are in the age of consciousness and nobody can stop the momentum because we are in the age of awakening. I am telling you guys the next 10 years is going to be mind-blowing. The sooner you start asking the right questions the deeper you want to go down this rabbit hole and it just keeps going and going. So I would love to keep chatting about my last post but we need to get into some history.. You gotta understand that I am not making anything up...This information is what accumulated and have come to understanding through questions I have been asking my entire life(waay before my spiritual journey). I have got so much to ask but I know now what to ask and all the information is right in front of you. It is all at your fingertips right now...
So you guys gotta start looking at the Ancients .. yes the freaking Egyptians, the Annanuki...all of these mother suckers where super clever SPIRITUAL BEINGS just like us! The only difference is they lived on this planet through their spiritual selves...not through their human selves like we do today...When you live through your spiritual self only other spiritual beings are of importance(which is everything and everyone) when you live through your human self, then you live for possessions and self-gratification. The Ancients knew that living in the 3-dimensional world, that a material life will bring you suffering, so they lived through their spiritual selves, grew stronger spiritually for centuries and so created structures that modern technology and engineering can not even come close, even in this day and age...They knew so much and somehow somewhere we just lost that information but it's all there!!! You just need to start asking the right questions - no matter how simple your question is, start asking and direct it to what you want to find out ultimately. I am posting 2 blogs today, 6 hours apart because I feel that I have not given you enough info today and I'm running out of words and you will have to wait until next week so ill see you in 6 hours time for the next post.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Possibilities are endless

You are still Neo but instead of seeing 0's and 1's, you see Atoms flowing everywhere- in the walls desk even your computer is a bunch of atoms just pushed together in different shapes and densities. it is why we see things in different shapes and sizes but at the end of the day - if you break it all down - it is simply atoms -the same ones that is in your body, is in the chair you are sitting on , in the computer screen you are reading right now... we are all the same - everything single thing is THE SAME- break it down to the most basic form of what you are looking at and it is the SAME basic form of your body, yourself. I hope that this message has gotten through to you because we have only looked into the rabbit hole, we have not even entered the hole yet but it is of great importance that you understand the concept that everything is the SAME and we have the power to connect with every single thing BECAUSE we are the SAME.
Now look at those atoms in Neo mode once again, that energy going around it, is going mental-this is important-pure freaking energy going nuts- we have the SAME atoms going mental inside us in our purest form....which is a SPIRITUAL BEING!!! -see that action go down....Now that energy of that atom means that we can CONNECT with all atoms WhereEVER! There is pure energy in our most simplest form - If we where advanced humans we could connect these atoms with each other- manipulate them just as we please - just like Neo in the matrix - there are atoms billions and billions of atoms between me and you right now- and in an advanced world I could speak to you without saying a word out loud because we are connected with Atoms all over between us- but we CAN'T right now because we have not been trained to tap into this. BUT WE WILL!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You are Neo

So you are Neo and you have been looking at your space and everything you see is Green 0's and 1's... following last weeks post what conclusion did you come too? Everything is......The same right!? Neo see's those green numbers everywhere. it flows through EVERYTHING ..JUST like what Neo see's is what we are but we can not see(right now) The only difference is, is that in this real life we are not 0's and 1's like a computer program but the best way to walk this journey with me is to imagine yourself in a computer program because it is the best way to illustrate and describe what we as human beings can achieve. We are not 0's and 1's but we are Atom's. molecules and it is in every single thing you are looking at in your space where you are sitting right now. Can you see why it is awesome that they made the movie the matrix, because imagine me trying to explain this stuff with Atoms and molecules- you will be bored in like 10 seconds just like me, I freaking disliked science in school, so freaking boring but now look at it like Neo would and it is much more graphic and interesting.
Now google 'atom molecule' and click on images.. do you see that thing ..ball in the middle with this energy just going crazy around it? that = 0( in Neo drive) that = 1(in Neo drive). Now once again close your eyes and go into "Neo Drive" but instead of seeing green 0's and 1's replace every single 0 and 1 with a Atom. Remember one Atom is a that ball with this crazy crazy crazy energy just moving around it - one of them is a 0 or a 1- close your eyes and look at the chair the desk and see those atoms going absolutely crazy bonckers, now zoom out still in Neo mode and look at your space -everything is going absolutely mental!

Monday, July 18, 2016

The matrix

So you know the part where Morfious and Neo have a discussion and Neo says.. "Are you saying I will be able to dodge bullets"... Morfious just drops the casual..."You won't have to" Then there is that final scene where he gets shot with multiple bullets and he just stops it... now that scene, close your eyes and see that scene.. Now see what he sees, the walls, the floor everything, he see's is green zero's and one's EVERYTHING is flowing(important observation-the flow), it just moves green 0's and 1's everywhere, even Neo is green 0's and 1's -his hands his feet- everything! Now open your eyes... where ever you sitting, take a mental picture of what you see in front of you, look at every single thing, look at chairs, tables, clock on wall mirror , bed ....look at it all, make a graphic mental picture of whatever you see, now close your eyes and see the image in your mind, open your eyes if you need to look again , make sure that you get everything in.
Now close your eyes and imagine you are Neo as "the one"....What do you see? Look at your hands, look at your body, look at your feet everything is green 0's and 1's - look at the floor, the walls the chair the desk - its all green 0's and 1's.....this is an exercise with a point coming soon...just keep looking at things in "Neo drive" and see the "flow" see the green 0's and 1's flowing, moving through every single thing you see. It does not stop, it just flows through the chairs the desk - now keep looking at that space in "Neo drive"...what is the main observation you can make from this exercise...whats is the one thing you can say out loud that you notice straight away while watching this space in "Neo drive"? I only write 3 blogs a week, so for now just hold onto that main observation, see you next week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Who am I 2

The Internet is incredible! We can learn anything from how to become professional martial artists to baking a freaking cupcake. You gotta love it! most of us use it for watching youtube funnies, Porn and stalking peeps on FB. This is all good and well, believe me, I used to do just as much of those 3 things than the next person but you need to wake up and use this endless amount of information to see what place we living in. All the information is right here, right now, so it is finally time for me to delve into important information. First, you got to wake up to the fact that war is evil and the people who is causing this war ( that one up in Syria) are the evildoers and it is not ISIS, it is not Islam it is not Arab people. It's a tight nit negative energy that consists of multiple governments across the planet...they have an agenda..one of keeping the masses under control...by controlling the masses the way they do they promote the 7 deadly sins to do so...this type of control does not honour life! This is another saying and it is the purest of them all. 'THE MOST VALUABLE THING IN LIFE IS LIFE ITSELF'
It's not a cool job a nice house a cool car - IT IS LiFE! People matter, nothing else -This will all come to light as we move further down the rabbit hole. Life is a soul, a SPIRITUAL BEING and we are all connected. When I say we are all connected - I mean like everything is connected! The best way to describe this is to refer to the movie "the matrix" everyone has seen the matrix, If you have not, get on it now because that's just ridiculous to have to tell people that you have not seen the matrix, then stop reading this blog because you already lost me at helloooooo....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Who Am I

So I would love to speed this up but what is the point of going somewhere if you do not know the past, so I need to at least give you that. You gota love this age we live in because we have The Internet. All the information you need to know is free and all you need to do is ask the right questions. Once you ask the right questions Alice, how deep does the rabbit hole go? So lets make use of this free information right now, I am not going babble on who I am, you can simply just google Scheldon Gerstner. You will find loads of information on me with regards to my charity that I run here in South Africa. I am not going to get into that because it is irrelevant to this blog but i need to state one thing about it because once again it was created in a time of turbulence in my life.Once there is turbulence in yours , do not look at it as a curse or misfortune but opportunity to learn from. People have been saying this for years, it just makes sense to me now.
The charity is mainly about bringing FREE computer education to the poor. Why? once again you can google the statistics of our country but my main reason is: There are thousands of untouched geniuses who have the ability to change our world, they are just stuck because our system does not allow them to reach their full potential, so it is of great importance to bring all the FREE information to them AKA the Internet. To guide them, and mentor them and show them the power that they have at their fingertips. Use computer education to change their circumstances. We have 15 million people living under the breadline in S.A, just that sentence alone sounds ridiculous. To arm them with free knowledge is to give them the tools to take their destiny into their own!

Monday, July 11, 2016

I am who I am

This blog is going to sound insane but that's what you gota love about blogging is that you can write how you want , spell how you want and say pretty much anything you want. This is a story of enlightenment and the beauty about this story is, is that my path to enlightenment littarely just started 1 month ago with a fall and I have just touched the surface of this path and I feel that I already am bursting with so much information. All of this I want to put down into a series of blogs.....So first I got fill in the past then work my way to the present then even predict the future, which right now, I can say is possible in this journey.
This is by far the most exciting time of my life and I am 37 years old!!! But I am not going to get anywhere so lets start with a prediction. Be ready cause this is going to sound insane. (after reading this most of you will stop following this blog. To be honest this blog is more for me, I am just posting this information because I am being enlightened and want evidence of my journey- so that people can not say "he wrote this after it happened") They are going to find evidence on Mars of previous civilization. I do not know when, I do not know how, all I know that this is going to happen and when they do..Our level of consciousness and awakening is going to speed up because we are meant to know this information.