Saturday, December 31, 2016

My spiritual journey 1

It's 9:10 am on the last day of 2016... I have not blogged for a while that's because since October I have been "Trekking through Africa to help those in need" (FB page name). Please be so kind to catch up on my journey -it includes an attack on me by 6 men on the 11th October( the day after my dad died) and takes you through to present day where I am busy building a sustainable bartering system for the poor and those in need. It's been a road of Adventure and new discovery not just in the whole travelling experience but also within myself. I have grown so much spiritually that my path has become more in finding God. The more I educate myself with teachings of Hinduism, Christianity, Gnostic(Greek -means knowledge of self) and look at the Gospels that have been left out of the Bible, the more it is evident that so much information is being withheld from the masses. Every person should know the truth. Mainstream media like the history channel and our education system make ancient teachings sound like of no insignificance importance....yet our history dates back almost 300 000 years with a human race that built structures that we can not even replicate today(with our modern resources) in the same time that they did it. Structures that are aligned with the precession of the equinoxes. The Sumerians left us almost 500 000 oven baked clay tablets....only 20% have been translated so far and the information is all about our true history. There have been thousands of scriptures discovered about our origin but yet our main source in this day and age is the BIBLE. I mean come on man, it's one book that just sums everything up for you that happened in our entire existence as human beings? In 325 AD(AD stands for "year of the lord" we still in that "year) The "first council of Nicea" was established. It was a handful of Christian bishops......

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Change your outlook

The debt system for at least another 8 - 10 years, that's if you finally get the job you have been wanting to get since your studies. At around 24 it is time to invest in your own car(not mommy's present when you where 18). This will get you onto the car "wheel" where every 5 years you get yourself a new car but its never yours because you constantly just paying the car off until in 5 years when you get the next car and so on and so on. Oh don't forget at about 26 it is about that time to think to start settling with that special person. So now the 2 of you want to have that expensive you start taking credit from your credit cards just making you a longer slave to the debt system. Oh you need to think of that house you guys where talking about.
Mortgage plan will kick in soon. Oh but I want to go on holiday, well work gives you time off for 2 weeks the entire ffeaking year, and people still think this is like a privilege to have such FREEDOM(brainwashed) Even before my spiritual path I knew there was something wrong with this, the only difference is, I no longer have fear. I no longer worry about making that x amount for the month. I have learned that to cover your basics for the month(rent and food) is all you need and the rest will come to you in abundance when your mindset and spirit is in the right place. It is a terrible catch 22 because the way we have been forced to live does not allow your mindset and spirit to find the "right Place" but once you do have the opportunity to change your outlook....

Monday, September 5, 2016

A bit of Africa

In 23 days I will be on my way into Africa...I live in Cape Town, South Africa and it will be my first time venturing into this Gigantic continent. Now for those who do not know and I can understand that it can be confusing is that South Africa is a country on it's own. SOUTHERN AFRICA includes the following countries : South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland( the last 2 countries mentioned are very very tiny countries within South Africa) The reason for this mission is because of my new found spiritual path that I have discovered. The better way to put it, is that my spirituality let me discover it. My destination is Tanzania(just below Kenya,North Africa). I have managed to get a ride all the way up to the Namibian/Angola border. From there I will make my way towards Zambia and Botswana via foot, hiking and public transport. These past few months( since the fall) I have come to realize that we have been molded and shaped to absolutely rely on a piece of paper(money) to get us stimulated throughout our entire existence.
My spirituality taught me to let go of this silly, ridiculous thought and ever since stress and anger and worry has become feelings that I seldom use. Do not get me wrong, I have not become one of those beings that suddenly going to say screw the system and not work anymore and go live on the streets and become a bum. What I have learned is to break away from the way society presides things. We have been told all our lives to do the 16 year study route-spending thousands on food, clothes, school fee's, university fee's just to get you through the "basic steps" of society driven life( school 12 years, college average 4 years). By the time you 22 you need to start working of your study debt that will make you a slave to....

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Understanding Meditation Part 3

There are 3 tools you can use to "strengthen" your downloads.... Imagination, white light(or gold white light) and visualization.. We are very unique human beings ...not one person's imagination is remotely close to another person's don't feel like you are "failing" when you visualize something and it does not look or feel like "society" tells you it must look or feel like.. Once you have "cleared the mind" of all thoughts it's time to switch on your imagination (imagination is more important than knowledge=Albert Einstein) Visualize the room or place you are sitting in(like you are putting on a virtual reality headset)... See yourself(like looking at yourself from somebody elses eyes) sitting there and breathing in and out..the more detail you can visualize, the better .. See all the air around you as "white light"(or gold white) you breathe in ...see this white light enter your nose(always breathe in via nose and breath out via mouth) fill your lungs and brain with white light...when you breathe out .. visualize black white smokey light excisting your body(the black smoke represents the impurity's that have been accumulated with impure thoughts(aka 7 deadly sin thoughts)...repeat this excersise over and over again(do NOT stop breathing in and out through nose and mouth...this is the NUMBER ONE rule to keep repeating) until all the black smoke has cleared out of the white light.... . 3
On a physical basis you are oxygenating your brain and body ...the blood vines inside your nose are so close to the cerface...oxygen goes straight into the blood system and gets Transported much more intensely as you are focused on Oxygenating the body...doing this repeat edly whilst switching off all thoughts will bring your body to a "naturally high" meditative state..and that is when your "downloads" are most potent...the white light is INFORMATION... exactly the same way that high speed internet fibre works!(there is literally no difference) So this is why people must think of "nothing" when meditating...all you doing is "taking your car to the mechanic shop for a service" you are Changing the oil, cleaning the filters and replacing the SPARK plugs... You are a computer that can download info from the Cosmos (like computers download from Internet)... because it is a new practice for you...see it like you are the first iPhone on the are big and bulky,your prossessesors are slow ,downloading is still like the early 90's ... The more you practice, you start upgrading your prossessesors and within 6 months to a year you will be iPhone 2 (depending on how much time and effort you put into your new practice ) It took Jesus 12 years(the story of Jesus the 18 years his not mentioned in the Bible) to develop from iPhone 1 to iPhone X to a point where he could touch people and heel them... Downloads come within 24- 48 hours to your consciousness (as a beginner) as you practice, these downloads reach your CONSCIOUSNESS faster and faster... Example..after you meditated for 15min(at 5am)you go back to wake up at 8 and go brush your you are looking yourself in the idea comes to mind...for example you have this incredible urge to call a friend that you have not spoken to in years...this is spirit nudging you to a path that he wants you to take you start taking this path(like calling your friend) more clues and synchronicities fall in your lap..and before you know it get a lucky break or awesome things happen to you that benefits your life... If bad things start happening to you this is spirit just telling you that whatever you where busy with before starting to was not the right path and spirit is nudging you to move out of that negative space.... We are so conditioned to worry and worry and spirit is just saying...Dude , chill out ..I got your back, I love you man, trust in my process , I'm going to get you out of this "unhappy life" of yours ...all I ask is that you keep connecting (meditate) with me and I will keep giving you downloads so that you keep making the right connections towards a happier life ..aka the path to your own "heaven on Earth"

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Understanding Meditation Part 2

So how do we meditate? For beginners the best thing to start meditating is to go on YouTube and find "guided meditation for beginners" This is an excellent way of getting to understand what needs to be done to get into a "meditative" state.. I always meditate with "meditation music"(on YouTube) as it keeps me at a relaxed state of mind . Best place to meditate is to go sit under a tree or by a large body of water or just a quiet place in nature...if this is not possible ..set your alarm for 5pm and go sit on a chair(what I do) or in the "lotus position" on the would be of great benefit to be outside in fresh air or to sit close to a window that fresh air passes through
Close your eyes and focus on the music playing (earphones is best) and start breathing deeeeep in and out. Thousands of thoughts wants to be prossessed in the day but because you got up early ...your mind is not so active yet and only a few thoughts are circulating.. This is when you start categorizing (mentally put them on a list) and start thinking of each thought individually... The practice is to "calm the mind" so once you have the first thought (that you listed) focused on ...simply breathe in think of the thought buy mentally saying to yourself..." I am aware of you but right now I'm 'switching off' all my about 10 min I'll get back to you but right now I have "spirit" that wants to communicate with me shut it for Abit and soon enough I will come back to you" ....breathe out "the thought" as you say this and get ready for the next thought to come into your mind...repeat the practice over and over again ...many times a thought that you already "switched off" returns again and again but you need to be persistent and switch it back can not receive info from spirit if your mind is still doing the same old routine by thinking of thoughts that are connected to the 3D plane... Simply acknowledge each thought but dont get into detail of thinking about soon as it pops in your you breathe in,acknowledge, and breathe it out... Once you have switched off all thoughts one by will eventually come to a point where your mind will be empty of thought and it is in that specific time that you receive "downloads"

Monday, August 29, 2016

Understanding Meditation part 1

The Ancient art of Meditation...has been erased from our most recent modern culture for reasons extremely obvious once you are aware of it's capabilities.. It is the only way to EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS...and those that rule us fear the day that we as rightful owners of this planet come to realize the immense knowledge that is gained when practiceing this art on a regular basis... For anyone born in the last 30 years, it's going to be a much tougher challenge to "switch on" spirit (aka meditate) because for the past 50 years(started with TV ) ...the dark Source has been using "frequency control" to manipulate the mind of the masses... It has gotten a hundred times worse since mobile phones was introduced , especially when "texting" became a trend.. What these devices do is "keep your mind occupied...the new recent trend of "scrolling" especially on a platform like FB or what the purpose of frequency control is... Every post on FB or INSTAGRAM is different and your minds concentration span is being conditioned to "get shorter"... When scrolling..your attention is constantly being flipped from one idea, thought, picture or comment to another in an INSTANT...your are "training your mind" not to concentrate to long on a specific idea or thought...and this is the conditioning of a very dangerous mind.... Meditation is about "becoming quiet" "calm the mind" to "switch off all thoughts" that are associated with this 3D materialistic world... Now imagine how hard this must be if your mind has been trained this past 2 decades to switch instantly from one thought to are encouraged to overload your mind with so much "junk info" min by min, hour by hour, day by day, year by year that you are overloading your system.. Best way to describe is to imagine you are a desktop computer that dad just bought for his business... So your dads important documents of setting up the business and many projects are stored on this device.. new ideas are added constantly for the growth of the business.. because ,like most of us, we want to expand our business and become successful... Not to far down the line the rest of the family starts using the computer but this is okay as there is plenty of memory available to store all different type of information and movies and music.. 20 years later...this computer is slow and has multiple viruses on it because so much info has been stored that is no longer relevant and so slows down the system plus it has not been upgraded for 20 years This is very much how your mind works... meditation is like doing a "disk clean up" or getting a technician to service it are getting rid of all the caches and irrelevant data that is no longer of use to you and by doing so you are clearing space for more information that is relevant to the business your dad started... After a service the desktop is working like a brand new computer as the technician can also replace prossessors to speed up the computer.. Like the Internet your mind is connected to a "higher intelligence"...a source of unlimited information... Information that is relevant and of benefit to your eternal and external Growth of your life....the information that can either create your "hell on Earth or "heaven on Earth"... When you overload this computer with so much irrelevant junk you are putting so much strain on your "prossessor" that it is working overtime to figure out what is it that you want it to process that will create your "heaven on Earth" But now you are rather imputing thoughts of Pride,lust,envy,anger,laziness, addiction and greed..that will process info on how to create "hell on Earth"... An "everyday humans" newsfeeds are filled with materialism that promotes the 7 deadly sins...this is the "cancer" that keeps the human race at a submissive frequency.. addiction is a deadly sin and being addicted to "scrolling" is what we know as "frequency control" If your life is "to busy" to create time for meditation..then it is proof that "the dark Source" have succeeded in their quest...they want to make the human race forget about the only technique to "Raise or consciousness" ... In our most recent traditions they never mention for one moment that Jesus meditated...they promote "prayer" = talking, talking, talking...that's like searching the internet by opening up as many tabs as possible , asking a question in each tap and NEVER returning to the tab to read the answer! Jesus was the ultimate master when it came to "becoming quiet"..just before Judas betrayed him...he went for meditating sessions and Everytime he returned from a session all his mates(Apostles)where sleeping......when the devil came to visit him when he was roaming in the wilderness for 40 days....they quickly popped over to Jerusalem to go stand on a temple and Jesus was dared to jump off... then boom suddenly they on top of a highest mountain and the devil says he will give him all the kingdoms that he can see from that view ... do you think the devil came there with a backpack and tent and the 2 of them travelled together to go take on all the challenges?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Listen to your "Parents"

This fall was seen as a curse but now I see it as a blessing...Yes I am hurt but if it never happened, I would have most likely gotten myself into stressful trouble with regards to what I was busy trying to achieve at the time, I would have never gotten into meditation, this blog would have never been created, My next move to travel into Africa to go help those who need it as a volunteer( rather than a owner of a charity)would have never crossed my mind,I would have continued making blind decisions that I thought was the right move but had no passion behind my motives...In return I found myself uninspired and procrastinated so much...Now I have been meditating for 3 weeks and even do it twice a day because it is super addictive once you "GET IT" ...
The Internet has an abundance of information on what to do. The cool thing is you read so much on so many different ways and types and eventually you just find what works for you...It is so powerful....a couple of blogs ago..I introduced you to feeling your chi...Within 3 min you can feel the sensation...I hope that people are actually doing these exercise because this will give you a realization that there is more to just our physical being...To amplify this you need to train it and Meditation training amplifies all your senses...So I am dedicated to keep going for now, to train every is what the ancients did and one thing I have learned in life is that when you young, you never listen while your mom and dad is lecturing you about life. We are rebellious and we throw our toys and move out but as you get older you realize how much sense they would never admit it but you experience life and and you learn the long way round...This is exactly the same,....our Ancients are our "parents"...the sooner we listen, the better...

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The slap From GOD

So I have to say that I have been pretty elusive for the past 23 blogs because not once did I mention anything about meditating...Now another word or words for meditating is "to become familiar with" as seen on the Tibetan Symbol. I made a conscious decision to not mention anything about meditating because A....I do not want to scare people off in things that they do not believe in and B I am all about physical fitness and for me sitting quiet in a space for X amount of time is just a freaking waste of time...So I will actually have to tell you something about myself and not sure if I have done so already because of a horrible accident....5 weeks ago I toppled over and fell over a flight of stairs railing...The fall was so severe that it caused trauma to my head..I woke up from a coma 24 hours later in Hospital and remained in the hospital for another week...I was discharged and had no sense of balance and could not speak properly and was limited to staying in bed..needing help to go to the loo...Now as you can imagine for someone that has always been extremely sporty and active, this way of being was a very very hard time for me and even at one point I felt suicidal....There is so much more than added to this sensation but it is of no significance to what I am trying to get to in this blog...Long story short...I could not move or do any Physical exercise then(still struggling now) as I suffer from Vertigo and recently realized my short term memory span has also been affected. To keep myself distracted and to get some type of training I started looking into Meditation because it was the only thing that I could do in the limited space and movement that I could achieve...I realize now that it was the way of the universe(the slap from God) to awaken me....

Monday, August 22, 2016

Your Mind is Powerful

So as we can not believe without seeing and experiencing things, this is what we are going to in this blog today....Self healing is one "power" we all posses but because of centuries of keeping information from the "common people" this technique is lost to us but today you are going to learn a simple exercise to "wake up" this ancient technique inside of you...I am going to refer to a link for the first time...this is only going to save time...but once again...once you see this video..start watching the related video's and start doing exercise daily to train your dormant brain cells..wake 'em up! Soon you will be able to feel the "the Force" stronger and stronger..I started this exercise 5 days ago and have done it every day just for 3 min....but now I find myself when sitting around...instead of checking my phone for updates, I find myself just doing this exercise and I can clearly feel the difference since I started 5 days ago ...The sensation gets stronger and stronger the more you train
...just like going to the get stronger the more frequent you go...same with this exercise...there is no are training your brain -making those cells spark up and once they sparked up just need to keep going...consistency is key....Just dedicate yourself to do this exercise for 10 days and I will guarantee you ..the sensation will be so much stronger..This guy says that if you do it for 30 - 100 times, every day for 2 -3 min you will be able to start healing yourself...Now because I am on this new path of consciousness I am going to do this and have already started and IT IS definitely getting stronger...I have got nothing to lose to do this for the next year...If its BS I did not actually waste any of my time..because you can do this while sitting watching TV or just laying down(for 2 min) Because just "what if"??

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The World of the blind

I must admit that I have written like 20 blogs and I am finally getting to the bit that I love to talk about, so strap yourself in because its ON! So do yourself a favor and look at the previous blog picture. If you take all the words away, you get those 2 triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down. Now ad a circle to that, that goes round those points, touching them and it will make a shape that is seen throughout Ancient technology and that is the true pagan symbol. It is at this time of the blog that I should illustrate things more than try and explain in words but Ill do my best. Now there is alot of truth when it comes to what you have been lead to believe but as I mentioned before, there are a lot of gaps and it is time that those gaps are filled and I know you are dying to to know about the comment I made about sparking up that 90% of your brain.
We as human beings have to see things to believe things...Our eyes are our biggest downfall of our being of being human...If we where all blind, we will have moved to the next level of consciousness centuries ago...but our eyes deceive us and keep us on this "3D level" of consciousness and we have been here waaay to long( plants are level 1, animals level 2) Now there are multiple levels of consciousness. I am familiar with 9 that is crazy high and you can do pretty much do anything with that level of will be God like on that level and will be able to create planets... you can manifest and pretty much travel all over the universe...easy...Now I do not want to scare you away so I am going to come back before we get into that talk and the next blog I am going to show you how you can tap on the door of that 90% dormant brain bits.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Ancient religion

So yesterday's blog finally connects all this info that's going on right now in our world ......but its time to dig into the word we know as "Paganism" Paganism is the ancestral religion of the whole of HUMANITY. This ancient religious outlook remains active throughout the world today. It was the outlook of the European religions of classical antiquity – Persia, Egypt, Greece and Rome – as well as of their “barbarian” neighbours on the northern fringes, and its European form is re-emerging into explicit awareness in the modern West.
The word was created in the early forth century by brainwashed early Christians who labelled old traditions as Paganism no matter how Sacred the ancient scriptures where... Our youngest traditions are just very bad copy and paste work from all our ancient traditions... This is why, we that have been brought up as "Christians", have so many so many unanswered questions We have been manipulated, moulded and lied to for centuries as spiritual beings!!! The Dark source knows how to manipulate the human condition to their advantage and so they made us believe over centuries that the youngest traditions are the only truth.... The original Aramaic Bible was still circulating until around the year 325 when the council of Niscea was established...12 chosen members of the Jewish and Roman tradition ...where the "first Christians" who decided what books to keep in the new bible and what books to dispose of.... . Understand that Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt with baby Jesus because there very own tradition that they where born into was HUNTING their child.....then the very same tradition persecuted him and Crucified Him.. These guys never had plans to tell you about Jesus's secret knowledge..the info they where so afraid to get out that they Murdered him! So they made him a Martyr... published a book with 3qaurter Judaism and only a quarter of Jesus's story... There are only 2 apostles stories about Jesus (Matthew and John) Mark and Luke where simply just scholars who studied Matthew and Johns scriptures....that why everything is being's the same freaking information These guys could not let you know of all 12 Apostles they left out 10 and destroyed alot of Ancient original scriptures... But some of these scriptures where saved by the original Christians...Christians who did not have a big house, Christians who could not afford a donkey or horse, Christians who barely could put bread on the table...our originals(the ones we should take knowledge from) Christians determined to not let Jesus's secret teachings die.... true warriors of the slain Jesus.. They saved what they could and re-wrote any information that was destroyed..and went hiding it across their country.... We have been finding more and more of these scrolls especially in the last 2 decades.. The most astounding is "the gospel of Thomas" found 1700 years after the new bible was released by the Council of Niscea It was found in 1947 in a Christian tomb in Egypt and reveals the secret education that he was familiar with...this knowledge Greek name is "gnosis" which translates to "knowledge of self" aka Spirit. Only a spiritual being who is familiar with their spirit self (only reached through meditation) who is familiar with their spiritual energy can heal the sick and walk on water.. An enlightened person at that level will also be extremely familiar with Alchemy("the science of God" about 50 000+years old) and Astronomy... To control the elements without (like walking on water) you need to first master the elements within (EARTH,FIRE,WATER,AIR) "As above so below" and this information is hidden from our modern civilization.

Monday, August 15, 2016

3 Cities rule the World

But I'm going to step back one more time before getting into what I have learned, while I was bedridden....I know I have been saying "governments" but you have to understand that these evildoers, this dark force is spread across the globe. There are 3 main places in the world that these guys rule from. They can do pretty much anything they like because they do not have the same rules to the governments that they are part of, so check this out...the 3 main cities are: Italy- Rome(Capital) - Vatican City - In charge of religion.... UK - London(Capital) - The city of London - In charge of the money.... USA - Washington DC(Capital) - The District of Columbia - in charge of the military.... See how each city is actually broken up into two "cities" and 1 district? It is because they do not form part of the actual cities or state! Its like 3 mini separate countries within each city or state(D.C) but you would never know that because they do not advertise it because they do not want you to know that they are separate entities, who make their own freaking rules and have their own seperate laws...
All 3 of these cities are marked by a Pagan symbol, it looks like a vibrator you can't miss it, it's huge(please see picture). Now, this is where we start connecting these guys with the ancients....Since time has been recorded there has been a battle between darkness and light....Yes, that's right, these guys have been coming on longer than you can ever imagine...Before religion, before the pyramids, before some continents were formed. Now, what is a Pagan symbol doing smack bang in the middle of the Vatican? Is the Vatican not like Catholic? Paganism is seen as blasphemes? Yeah, it starts getting real and we are really going to start putting the dots together....there is more to this life people, once we recognize our potential as humans.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Evil

These companies are feeding both sides of the war and so they make billions and billions -that goes straight back to Cooperate pockets. The oaks that own the federal reserve just made a billion plus getting paid interest on top of it! Who's laughing their freaking butts off?? The douches who own the Federal reserve private company, the companies making "the war weapons and bullets" and of course the US government elites...Surprise, surprise..most of these 3 entities are either blood related or have business and family ties that date back centuries and they all are part of the 'Secret societies"dating back as far as the roman empire...Basically like Mafia families..How do they work.?..well they family, they look after their own. Their own...they are scatterd across the globe and they all in on off the suffering of millions of people...Do you see how evil this is? They live off WAR and they have been murdering billions for over 223 years..Every war the dark force(AKA secret families, AKA the Elite, AKA the Illuminati, ) have put their foot into WAR buy creating a "false flag"(google it) 911 =false "pearl harbor false flag" -start seeing the truth!
Now we are going to get to the real juicy stuff and this is by far the most interesting part of this path we walking....The 64 million dollar question is ...Why? Why would anyone be so evil, How can people do this? Its freaking awful....Now here's is the real kicker...Remember I told you in my first blog that I am going to make a crazy prediction? "They are going to find evidence on Mars of previous civilization". have you recently noticed how they are focused on Mars? They sending little droids and spaceships and now they plan to send a whole colony to Mars...Hmmm intrigued? This rabbit whole is more warped and deep than you can ever imagine....They crazy part is ......I stepped onto this information because I fell from a flight of stairs and had a computer to keep me company while in recovery.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

So much money

So I do not want to get into the whole thing that we are being controlled. My previous blogs do cover a few points that you can look into and it is your duty to start digging into those FACTS. 911 cover up is FACT.. all the evidence is all around and do you not think it is a bit silly that the towers fell 15 years ago and at the time the "infidels" where in Iran..then they went back to Iraq..then they popped into Afghanistan, then Libia, now Syria...and every time miraculously there is some type of rebels that just pop up...which is obvious because you have been bombing and killing innocent people for 15 FREAKING YEARS! And now they just caught this leader in ISIS who admitted that ISIS is being funded by the Amercains like Hilary Clinton(google it-Wikileaks caught one of the dark force souls but still she is not being prosecuted...the power of the dark Source) WAR is the most profitable way for them making money because these huge fortune 500 USA companies fund both sides of the war like the "carlyle group".
Explaining it in simple terms...Companies make bullets and war machines like jets, missile launchers and tanks. So the American government need to feed their economy(we need a reason...911) but now they need money to buy these "bullets of war" So they go to the Federal reserve bank cause they need money to buy "bullets" from these companies. Federal reserve(private company) says cool, we will loan you $1billion (US government need to pay the interest on that) and they start making money(printing paper). So they get the cash and go to the "bullet makers" and pay them $1billion "Yasies, we have weapons" but no way we not transporting that from US to Arab land-takes time and cost to much. No don't worry we have a sister company over there! awesome. Just let them drop it off for you at your camp...thanks dude. Now the infidels need bullets...oh just buy it from the sister company! Sorted thanks. All that cash goes straight into those that rule us cooperate companies - making the Elite richer and richer and plummeting the US economy in deeper and deeper debt to those that print pieces of paper(the dark source)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Get out of it!

So ignorance is bliss (syfer- the matrix) In a perfect world( the world I live in) is to have no debt but then you won't drive a nice car or have a sweet comfortable house right? WRONG!!! you can have all of it free of and this is so obvious but once again in this world of make believe it is all hidden because they distract us with all the new shiny things that constantly get updated and make ads and say things like "must have" "while stocks last")... It's not going anywhere but they thrive on our panic-stricken way of being human in this day and age The instructions in all religions are simple..." help others before helping yourself" and you will never have to worry about money again....I am walking talking proof of this simple instructions. Ok, I don't own a car or don't own a house ...YET!!!... but I have only been walking this spiritual journey for a year...before becoming so spiritual I was the same like every other person...Every day I would break the seven deadly sins(pride,sloth,greed,lust,envy, Gluttony,wrath) and not to mention the 10 commandments on a daily basis(like lies and stealing from others) When you "Awaken" your spirit, you start looking at the world with your Souls eyes, rather than your human eyes...When you start seeing everything with your soul, you will stop doing the 7 deadly sins and you will stop breaking the ten commandments, No matter how small a lie you want to tell. Your spirit starts communicating with you on a daily basis...and soon(give or take a year) you will no longer think through your human self but start making decisions with spirit self(it is a lenghty process)...your life will improve miraculously....but beggars can't be choosers... It's very hard in this day and age to be content with what you have because of the daily pressures you get from modern society telling you to live a certain way...when you stop living to impress others and start living through your soul (no matter how little you have) then your life will is going to be extremely hard in the beginning but this is all part of cleansing your spirit...When you start walking the spiritual path then you will loose all your favourite possessions. All the bad things you did to others will come back to you in some or other not see this as punishment but as will also lose some close friends or relatives to death...but understand that their death was their had to come to them at that time...what comes to you in that the experience of losing someone close... It makes you appreciate what you have as a spiritual being on this 3-dimensional planet. You have to let go of all earthly things..basically, show God that you do not need anything from this 3D planet to make you happy as a spiritual only need to trust in Him and he will start showing you the narrow path to enlightenment...As a spiritual being, this is your task on planet try and reach enlightenment.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Its all bull

Another week another 3 blogs. We ended last week with you having 98 cents of the dollar you owed me because you paid me the 2% interest back for borrowing that dollar twice from me. So now you still owe me one dollar, you covered your interest please give me back my dollar? so you give me 98 still owe me 2 cents? can you see that since starting to use "my banking system" that you will always be in debt- there is no way you can get out of it, I am the only person that is benefiting from this system. I make the money, i am in charge. So this system is just making me more money and putting you in debt of ME!! Now this system is used across the globe..its flawed, rigged -BULLSHIT! some or other time in your life you will be in debt if not already...and if you are out of it- 10 of your neighbors are in it.
How many stories have you heard of dad's shooting their families and then themselves to find out that they had money problems? how many wars, how many robberies ? to get stuff to turn it into paper- useless paper that is not yours anyways- it belongs to the government and still need to pay interest on it. If we returned all the money back to the banks -not one sent laying anywhere ALL given back- the world would still be millions in debt- cause the interest accumulated since DAY ONE of this system still needs to be covered..there is no more paper to give them so what do we give now..well your car , your house, your clothes- the entire world and people will all be naked and have nothing and hopefully we covered all the interest- They own us-- is that right? Do you think this is the way our world should be like? Do you think this is the life that God Intended for us?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

One Dollar

So I do not want to dwell too much on the Aholes behind the scene but I want to make you aware that they do exist - they control the US Government, Did you know that the federal reserve is not part of the government? It is a company, a business that makes money and charges interested on each bill that they make. I want to get into the money thing and move away from these bankers...Zeitgeist(google it but don't take it to serious with regards to their religious point of view) will give you a good insight on these evil doers, so start watching it but also remember that this guy who made these vision to make a better world is incredible but far-fetched for our time... first we need to awaken the entire planet, then get them to stand together before we can reach the ideal world of Peter Joseph( amazing vision though).. So once again...start digging deeper into the rabbit hole.
So back to the money thing...So imagine there was no money in the world..forget it all. I am the only bank and have one dollar. You would like to borrow that dollar from me to by a coke which cost one dollar. I am going to give you that dollar but charge 1% interest on it = 1 cent. So now its time for you to give me back one dollar and 1 sent but you don't have that. so you do decide to go work for the guy that sold you that coke for one day for the payment of 1 dollar, after 1 day - you give me back the dollar, but what about the 1 cent? There is no other money? I only take dollars or less but there is none? I, the bank, have the one dollar? soo where is my one sent? now you are in debt to me. So you get clever and borrow that dollar to pay back my interest but I charge 1% - so you give me 2 cents to cover the interest, now you have 98 cents.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The 911 truth

911 was an inside job.... Once again done by the same entity who crucified Yesoah and killed Kennedy... For the past 16 years(since 911) so many structural engineers (3000) have joined the 911 truth movement (after 18 years of exposing the truth ..they will finally get their day in court in 2019.. exciting year) ...For those that are uneducated about what a structural engineer does....well just look up and see your room or your house or any other structure... No imagine going to university and studying for several years how to build these and many other structures like skyscrapers... When you get your degree in structural engineers, you pretty much as good as a doctor but instead of using medical equipment you work with massive proportions of steel and other building material. New York is the mecca of skyscrapers...All structural engineers dream to have their work seen in New York. There are thousands of police, firefighters, eyewitnesses and victims who tell their story online...but once again.....just like they influenced the Bible and planted their own "dead sea scrolls" this Evil force upload their own BS stories(like flat earth theory) and also invented the word "conspiracy theory" so that the dumbed-down masses will not ask any further questions... I don't want to get into the 911 debate 911 and you will find endless information about the truth but also a ton of BS info....use your common sense and don't just believe what you read....check it out...check references and educate yourself. We can take all of this info back to the biblical days as soon as you find out that most cooperate companies in the US today are owned by the tycoons of Israel... The twin towers..was owned by an Israelite( he took out a one billion dollar insurance on each tower a month before they were demolished), CNN- Owned by an Israelite, NBC news - owned by an Israelite and so on and so on. If you look at the map of the middle east today...every country except Saudi Arabia(their finance country) and Iran have been "liberated"... but soon they will go to war with Iran again...(did so in the 60's) The Israelites are expanding their territory, just like they have been doing since the old testament. Israel, the US government (not the people) and Saudi are in partnership to completely dominate the oil industry... They have been causing genocide for many years!!!! This evil force do not only consist of these greedy governments just mentioned...this evil force is muuuch bigger.

Monday, August 1, 2016

The truth

We are and have been controlled by a secret society that I like to call "The dark Source" The same entity that crucified Yesoah, is the same people that gave us the Bible, is the same people that assassinated JFK, is the same people that bomb billions of dollars of infrastructure to kill millions of people every day.... promoting a FEAR based reality. When Jesus was crucified the Christian uprising started and fought the Romans as much as they could but as the Roman empire grew, Christians were slaughtered like animals. After a century of fighting, the Romans realised that they were fighting a losing battle as Yesoah's spirit was and always was going to remain present. Soon they realised that they will have to change their strategy and in the year 325 they created the "council of Nasea" (google it) basically their priests brought together to start a Christian council. " If you can't beat them, join them" was the name of the game and over the next 700 years, Judaism(the Jewish high priests ) and Catholic (the Roman high priests)came together under the instructions of Emporer Constantine to create one religion...and use Jesus as their King Many Christians new of this evil take over.(the gnostics "knowlege of self" especially-they hid the secret teachings of Yesoah) That is why, to this day, many hidden scrolls are found(like the dead sea scrolls) in this time the Romans realised this and started hiding their own versions... So that once these scrolls where found it will cause confusion of what is true or not. A couple of centuries later more Roman influence occurred with rich families like Piso's and the Flavian's(google it) It is these people that started editing the bible...they started "doctoring" the Bible by bringing in "new versions" over and over again. Over a space of centuries..soon we would not know the difference between their traditions and our Yesoah. They created the word blasphemy so that you could not question the Bible and then said the Bible is the truth and the only truth...they created another word "Paganism" and cramped centuries and centuries and centuries of sacred, ancient scriptures that tell all about who we are and where we came from into that word....they created a "mindset" that the Bible was our only history book which does not resonate with millions of humans ...hence the rise of non believers.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Right now we are in the year 2016...we know now that one age = 2160 and when we look back 2000 years is safe to say that around that time we shifted from one age to another...= from the age of Aries(Moses) to the age of Pisces(Jesus) There where many many ancient civilizations on this planet before us...Micheal Tellinger (google him) is a researcher who has discovered ancient civilization artifacts( 10 million of it!) in Africa and travels the world to tell people about his dates back 280 to 300 000 years!... It is insane information that will stop making you think like a robot and start snapping you out of the matrix and soon you will realize that, we the masses, are controlled by modern religion, politics and media and the education system.
Our planet is 4.5 billion years old, yet we are only educated from about 2000 years ago and they have brainwashed us by making history "boring" and if you want to know more you need to go get a degree in history or archeology...this is how they control us but we are in the age of information and we do not have to follow their controlled system. The age of Aquarius also none as the age of consciousness, which means that for the next 2000 years we will be waking up and realizing our spiritual being true potential and look has it not already started?? Everyone has woken up to the fact that we cant keep messing up the planet as we are. Since the sixties the shift literary started with a bang....the assassination of JFK in 1963... A week before his assassination he delivered a speech (google JFK speech before assassination) He new about the "secret society" and as president he wanted to expose and eradicate them but we all know what happened next.. Aquarian values have surfaced since the 60's.. We started to realise that we are damaging our ozone lair, we started looking at alternative energy...look how solar, wind, hydro and many other clean energy has evolved since the 60s . The dawn of the Internet was a huge shift , then technology... With the first cell phones that was born in the 80's...Aquarius is about being social....look at websites we have= Facebook,pintrest, instagram. Japan have built a car that runs on water that can go as fast as 250km/hour and one tank can take you as far as 300km. This is all just the beginning of the age of Aquirius....strap in because this ride is going to get crazy for the next 2000 years.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The mysterious bible

So here we are , the mysterious bible... You know it has taken me years going through it real, is it made up? The problem is...we have been getting bits of information about what happened in the bible times but there are gaps all over the bloody place and as nature has it we are extremely inquisitive, we want to know things, so we ask but now things don't add up and we come to realise, well its cant be true it does not make sense.. the reason why we have that is because there is a so much of information that "the Evil force" does not want to give us, they want to keep us stupid, they want to make us not find our true potential because it gives them ultimate control and power..Believe me we will get into this -on spiritual level these guys have been controlling us for centuries --control spirit and you can control the human it is occupying... So back in the bible old testament there was this dude Moses - freaking crazy awesome powers- like splitting the sea, making food fall from the sky- he was like the Justin Bieber of the old testament- everyone new who he was, not everyone liked him.
Now if you look at the great year..he lived in the age of Aries(the Ram) -now because you have done your homework, the Age of Aries ended round 1 A.D (A.D =the year of the lord aka Jesus) B.C(before Christ) A.C( After Christ)-now we got that our of the way.... After Aries came the age of Pisces (Jesus's age, also known as the age of deception) Understand that "the great year" is a cycle and when one age ends and another starts, that it happens in cycles. A momentum shift does not just jump suddenly from one age to another ..gradually the shift happens.. The age of Aquarius already started in the 60's ...I will get into this in a future blog.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Great year

So 6 hours ago I just got into the Ancients- everyone knows the basic info about them like they built the pyramids and they had tombs and the Mayan's predicted the end of the world- what a bunch of freaking idiots- they got it wrong! hahaha... That my friends is the wrong answer.. they got it freaking spot on. You have to understand that we do things totally different to them . It's the way we have been pushed for centuries how to live, once again through a dark evil force that I will eventually get into. These guys are starting to loose control and this is the reason why.... So for the next exercise copy and paste this sentence in google "the great year" and click on images- read all about it because I dont want to waste blog time on explaining things that's already been explained a billion times...I know I can just leave a link to click on but jeez guys we are here to be inquisitive..ask your own questions--you know how it go's..once you start googling something it snowballs and you find more answers this way--so go snowballing!
So back to Mayan's predicting the end of the world(as we are lead to believe by this evil force) They predicted the end of the AGE of Pisces! - all they did is look at the spiritual calendar in the sky and it says the year of Pisces will end and the year of Aquarius will start. (every year on the great year calender = 2160 human years). A great year is 25 920 years - now here is where the bible comes in....look you do not have to be a Christian to believe this stuff - but I was brought up as a Christian- My spirituality has grown since then but the cool thing is, I read the bible quite a few times throughout my life and I know things about it. This information I know from the bible clearly has helped me with this quest.

The Ancients

Seeeeo if you still reading my blogs after the last one then I am happy because I must sound like a freaking nutcase but this is the problem- there is a world of evil that 95% of this planet does not know about and they chose to have it this way for us not to grow, not to truly find ourselves , these evil men have been getting away with this manipulation for centuries but we are in the age of consciousness and nobody can stop the momentum because we are in the age of awakening. I am telling you guys the next 10 years is going to be mind-blowing. The sooner you start asking the right questions the deeper you want to go down this rabbit hole and it just keeps going and going. So I would love to keep chatting about my last post but we need to get into some history.. You gotta understand that I am not making anything up...This information is what accumulated and have come to understanding through questions I have been asking my entire life(waay before my spiritual journey). I have got so much to ask but I know now what to ask and all the information is right in front of you. It is all at your fingertips right now...
So you guys gotta start looking at the Ancients .. yes the freaking Egyptians, the Annanuki...all of these mother suckers where super clever SPIRITUAL BEINGS just like us! The only difference is they lived on this planet through their spiritual selves...not through their human selves like we do today...When you live through your spiritual self only other spiritual beings are of importance(which is everything and everyone) when you live through your human self, then you live for possessions and self-gratification. The Ancients knew that living in the 3-dimensional world, that a material life will bring you suffering, so they lived through their spiritual selves, grew stronger spiritually for centuries and so created structures that modern technology and engineering can not even come close, even in this day and age...They knew so much and somehow somewhere we just lost that information but it's all there!!! You just need to start asking the right questions - no matter how simple your question is, start asking and direct it to what you want to find out ultimately. I am posting 2 blogs today, 6 hours apart because I feel that I have not given you enough info today and I'm running out of words and you will have to wait until next week so ill see you in 6 hours time for the next post.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Possibilities are endless

You are still Neo but instead of seeing 0's and 1's, you see Atoms flowing everywhere- in the walls desk even your computer is a bunch of atoms just pushed together in different shapes and densities. it is why we see things in different shapes and sizes but at the end of the day - if you break it all down - it is simply atoms -the same ones that is in your body, is in the chair you are sitting on , in the computer screen you are reading right now... we are all the same - everything single thing is THE SAME- break it down to the most basic form of what you are looking at and it is the SAME basic form of your body, yourself. I hope that this message has gotten through to you because we have only looked into the rabbit hole, we have not even entered the hole yet but it is of great importance that you understand the concept that everything is the SAME and we have the power to connect with every single thing BECAUSE we are the SAME.
Now look at those atoms in Neo mode once again, that energy going around it, is going mental-this is important-pure freaking energy going nuts- we have the SAME atoms going mental inside us in our purest form....which is a SPIRITUAL BEING!!! -see that action go down....Now that energy of that atom means that we can CONNECT with all atoms WhereEVER! There is pure energy in our most simplest form - If we where advanced humans we could connect these atoms with each other- manipulate them just as we please - just like Neo in the matrix - there are atoms billions and billions of atoms between me and you right now- and in an advanced world I could speak to you without saying a word out loud because we are connected with Atoms all over between us- but we CAN'T right now because we have not been trained to tap into this. BUT WE WILL!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You are Neo

So you are Neo and you have been looking at your space and everything you see is Green 0's and 1's... following last weeks post what conclusion did you come too? Everything is......The same right!? Neo see's those green numbers everywhere. it flows through EVERYTHING ..JUST like what Neo see's is what we are but we can not see(right now) The only difference is, is that in this real life we are not 0's and 1's like a computer program but the best way to walk this journey with me is to imagine yourself in a computer program because it is the best way to illustrate and describe what we as human beings can achieve. We are not 0's and 1's but we are Atom's. molecules and it is in every single thing you are looking at in your space where you are sitting right now. Can you see why it is awesome that they made the movie the matrix, because imagine me trying to explain this stuff with Atoms and molecules- you will be bored in like 10 seconds just like me, I freaking disliked science in school, so freaking boring but now look at it like Neo would and it is much more graphic and interesting.
Now google 'atom molecule' and click on images.. do you see that thing ..ball in the middle with this energy just going crazy around it? that = 0( in Neo drive) that = 1(in Neo drive). Now once again close your eyes and go into "Neo Drive" but instead of seeing green 0's and 1's replace every single 0 and 1 with a Atom. Remember one Atom is a that ball with this crazy crazy crazy energy just moving around it - one of them is a 0 or a 1- close your eyes and look at the chair the desk and see those atoms going absolutely crazy bonckers, now zoom out still in Neo mode and look at your space -everything is going absolutely mental!

Monday, July 18, 2016

The matrix

So you know the part where Morfious and Neo have a discussion and Neo says.. "Are you saying I will be able to dodge bullets"... Morfious just drops the casual..."You won't have to" Then there is that final scene where he gets shot with multiple bullets and he just stops it... now that scene, close your eyes and see that scene.. Now see what he sees, the walls, the floor everything, he see's is green zero's and one's EVERYTHING is flowing(important observation-the flow), it just moves green 0's and 1's everywhere, even Neo is green 0's and 1's -his hands his feet- everything! Now open your eyes... where ever you sitting, take a mental picture of what you see in front of you, look at every single thing, look at chairs, tables, clock on wall mirror , bed ....look at it all, make a graphic mental picture of whatever you see, now close your eyes and see the image in your mind, open your eyes if you need to look again , make sure that you get everything in.
Now close your eyes and imagine you are Neo as "the one"....What do you see? Look at your hands, look at your body, look at your feet everything is green 0's and 1's - look at the floor, the walls the chair the desk - its all green 0's and 1's.....this is an exercise with a point coming soon...just keep looking at things in "Neo drive" and see the "flow" see the green 0's and 1's flowing, moving through every single thing you see. It does not stop, it just flows through the chairs the desk - now keep looking at that space in "Neo drive"...what is the main observation you can make from this exercise...whats is the one thing you can say out loud that you notice straight away while watching this space in "Neo drive"? I only write 3 blogs a week, so for now just hold onto that main observation, see you next week.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Who am I 2

The Internet is incredible! We can learn anything from how to become professional martial artists to baking a freaking cupcake. You gotta love it! most of us use it for watching youtube funnies, Porn and stalking peeps on FB. This is all good and well, believe me, I used to do just as much of those 3 things than the next person but you need to wake up and use this endless amount of information to see what place we living in. All the information is right here, right now, so it is finally time for me to delve into important information. First, you got to wake up to the fact that war is evil and the people who is causing this war ( that one up in Syria) are the evildoers and it is not ISIS, it is not Islam it is not Arab people. It's a tight nit negative energy that consists of multiple governments across the planet...they have an of keeping the masses under controlling the masses the way they do they promote the 7 deadly sins to do so...this type of control does not honour life! This is another saying and it is the purest of them all. 'THE MOST VALUABLE THING IN LIFE IS LIFE ITSELF'
It's not a cool job a nice house a cool car - IT IS LiFE! People matter, nothing else -This will all come to light as we move further down the rabbit hole. Life is a soul, a SPIRITUAL BEING and we are all connected. When I say we are all connected - I mean like everything is connected! The best way to describe this is to refer to the movie "the matrix" everyone has seen the matrix, If you have not, get on it now because that's just ridiculous to have to tell people that you have not seen the matrix, then stop reading this blog because you already lost me at helloooooo....

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Who Am I

So I would love to speed this up but what is the point of going somewhere if you do not know the past, so I need to at least give you that. You gota love this age we live in because we have The Internet. All the information you need to know is free and all you need to do is ask the right questions. Once you ask the right questions Alice, how deep does the rabbit hole go? So lets make use of this free information right now, I am not going babble on who I am, you can simply just google Scheldon Gerstner. You will find loads of information on me with regards to my charity that I run here in South Africa. I am not going to get into that because it is irrelevant to this blog but i need to state one thing about it because once again it was created in a time of turbulence in my life.Once there is turbulence in yours , do not look at it as a curse or misfortune but opportunity to learn from. People have been saying this for years, it just makes sense to me now.
The charity is mainly about bringing FREE computer education to the poor. Why? once again you can google the statistics of our country but my main reason is: There are thousands of untouched geniuses who have the ability to change our world, they are just stuck because our system does not allow them to reach their full potential, so it is of great importance to bring all the FREE information to them AKA the Internet. To guide them, and mentor them and show them the power that they have at their fingertips. Use computer education to change their circumstances. We have 15 million people living under the breadline in S.A, just that sentence alone sounds ridiculous. To arm them with free knowledge is to give them the tools to take their destiny into their own!

Monday, July 11, 2016

I am who I am

This blog is going to sound insane but that's what you gota love about blogging is that you can write how you want , spell how you want and say pretty much anything you want. This is a story of enlightenment and the beauty about this story is, is that my path to enlightenment littarely just started 1 month ago with a fall and I have just touched the surface of this path and I feel that I already am bursting with so much information. All of this I want to put down into a series of blogs.....So first I got fill in the past then work my way to the present then even predict the future, which right now, I can say is possible in this journey.
This is by far the most exciting time of my life and I am 37 years old!!! But I am not going to get anywhere so lets start with a prediction. Be ready cause this is going to sound insane. (after reading this most of you will stop following this blog. To be honest this blog is more for me, I am just posting this information because I am being enlightened and want evidence of my journey- so that people can not say "he wrote this after it happened") They are going to find evidence on Mars of previous civilization. I do not know when, I do not know how, all I know that this is going to happen and when they do..Our level of consciousness and awakening is going to speed up because we are meant to know this information.

Friday, June 3, 2016


​ Scheldon's journey is extremely spiritual...when his not busy with charity, his spending time with Yesoah and the Universe, meditating/praying every day at Sunrise and Sunset....the ideas that are published on his website (google "imilli") come from above. Weekly Scheldon accumulates information from above which gives him insight of future projects. God is his guide and Yesoah shows him the path on a daily basis... The seven deadly sins is the spiritual battle that he fights(within the mind 7 days a week) that has been created by an negative energy 1000sends of years ago..Yesoah tried to warn us about this negative energy but they crucified him and then put a council together to create dogma in our Christian/Catholic/Islam/Jewish believes. This negative energy has been ruling our planet for Eons! They have brainwashed 95% of our world population by making them run after a piece of paper their entire lives...The world that they have created promotes the seven deadly sins.... Pride, laziness, warth, addiction, Lust, Greed, Envy.... We are at the cusp of ending our thousands of years of amnesia.The "Age of consciousness" is here to stay....We are spiritual beings in human form just for 80 years(if you lucky) then you go back to spirit form....what you do on planet earth(planet of FREE will) will decide if you move on to a higher frequency as spirit or to a lower frequency as spirit.
Everything is cause and effect....for every action, there is a reaction(proved in science) when you do a bad thing like "greed" by being unethical in business, then the effect of that is that there will always be issues that is associated with Greed. Money is the most common item that is associated with greed but greed can be might have a form of greed by being a player with woman...where you cant stop...there you are breaking 3 deadly sins in one go(greed, Addiction,lust) Now you will keep vibrating at that lower bad stuff will happen to you.... like say this person is super rich but because of his unethical practices he will be unhappy in other parts of his his wife and him are strangers and dont talk to each other..... because of sleeping round so much he gets an STD.....people in his company keep stealing from him, his got multiple court cases against on and so on...such a person thinks that he is successful (which he is in a material word) but actually(from a spiritual point of view) he is experiencing his "Hell on earth" at the level he himself created... Imagine the life of a Murderer and the "life on Earth" he creates for himself? How is your life and how many of the 7 deadly sins and products there of(white lies,deceit, stealing) is present? Everything is cause and effect down to the minute detail of greeting someone....if you greet your first person of the day with A HUGE smile on your face most likely that person will return that beautiful gesture....your entire day will start with a positive( + you have just got another human started on a positive vibration)..the universal law of rythem and law of attraction kicks in and the more you are happy within yourself , the more positive energy you will attract. You as a spiritual being will start vibrating at a higher level which will bring you blessings through out the day. All you have to do is respect God's one request "BE KIND" God is not a God of Fear and wrath as you have been lead to believe and been brain washed over a period of 2000 years ---that's "The dark Source" doing its evil work and by doing that it has made religions on this planet fight each other, since the time Yesoah tried to warn us. On the Ancient calendar in the sky(the presession of the equinox) we moved from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius...the Mayans predicted it on 2012...many other ancient civilizations had their predictions and some say it started as early as the 60's.....the age of Aquarius started around the time when JFK gave his speech(1963). He was assassinated in that same week. In his speech, he exposes this dark energy and as president vowed to fight them so that we as humans could prosper. Our history has been tampered with in a colossal way to a point that they got the majority of all the spiritual beings on this planet to believe that our history was a world full of myth and nonsense believes.... If all humans new how to connect with their spiritual selves(the Christ within you) again, then we would live in a world that we see on movies like the avengers.....over 2000 years this evil force has managed to distract us by building an entire material world civilization...such a low vibrational state(FEAR) is controlled by the 7 deadly sins. FEAR based vibration is LIMITED to only the 5 senses....LOVE based vibration (the one we will experience for the next 2000 years) is INFINITE!... Other senses that we never even thought we had will develop.... exciting times people, exciting times... The instructions of every single tradition(even the young religions that where created to control) is others before helping yourself, the kingdom of eternal life is within you as a spiritual being. The evil dark Source has made everyone forget about their spiritual self.....its time to wake up humans. We have been, we are, we always will can not be destroyed, only transformed(Albert Einstein) Charity starts at home with a simple instruction from God..."be kind to each other" The awakening is coming....